Can we memorialise an on-screen version of ourselves that also embodies our consciousness?
Access EDEN on your closest mobile device at www.enter-eden.net
Conceived as a smartphone retreat, EDEN is an one-time online experience crafted by Christiane Peschek for whom the concept of future archeology has been a long-time research focus. Flirting with the idea of virtual longevity, EDEN transposes the search for a perfect mind-body condition into a one-way audio-visual journey to a conjectured net-based paradise as final destination. Users make decisions that form their individual journey guided by their instincts, desires and a mysterious voice playing angel, reminiscent of workout and meditation apps and digital tools of the wellness industry.
The digitisation of the wellness industry has led us to the peculiar fate of our age: locating spirituality in the smartphone. Not only do workout app users go about their daily routines with religious fervour, meditation apps and podcasts have proliferated in an extension of the sacralised human condition to the mental state. Can we memorialise an on-screen version of ourselves that also embodies our consciousness?
EDEN was initiated and co-ordinated by bang. Prix.
Platform by VigoInteractive
Animations: Lukas Dworschak
Sound design: Ernst Lima
Graphic design: Lina von Jaruntowski
Supported by Stadt Wien, Bildrecht, Stiftung Philantropie