art science tech— nology


Eriko Takeno

#poeticthinking #healing

Eriko Takeno is an artist, researcher and poet. 

Inspired by Federico Campagna who talks about vulnerability as an endless possibility for resolution in his book ‘Technic and Magic’ (2018), Eriko explores her own introspective experiences through her art practice including poetry, moving images and installation in order to discover ways for how fundamentally introspective experiences can help others in their healing process. She also runs her workshop, ‘Sensory Multimodal Workshop; Space as Medium, Poetic Thinking as a Tool’. Her latest work ‘Crafting Narrative’ has been nominated to Helen Hamlyn Design Awards 2019. She holds her MA degree at the Royal College of Art in Information Experience Design, School of Communication, and she recently joined OSSA MONDO A&D Limited in Tokyo and works as an artist.