Marija Avramovic & Sam Twidale
Marija (1989, Serbia) and Sam (1988, UK) are scavengers of virtual worlds. Consensual kin under constant pressure of phenomena and anomalies. They are mutually symbiotic best friends that shift through mediums, forms and roles – virtually and IRL.
They began working together in 2017. Marija studied painting in Belgrade and then fine arts in Paris. Sam studied music in Liverpool and learned some programming along the way. Despite coming from two distinct artistic backgrounds, the main concerns of their work mirror each other. Together they work at the boundary between the artificial and the real, creating virtual worlds populated by AI characters and spirits as well as paintings and physical installations, all of which inhabit the same playful universe.
Their intimacy is cross-cultural and every language they speak is a hybrid. Naturally, their work is the reflection of it. It’s about creating alternative worlds, digital or not, dystopian or utopian, not human-centered. It’s about transformation, shapeshifting, change, existing in multiple realities. They live and work in Paris, France.