The open call welcomed applications from all over Turkey and engaged with a jury of diverse backgrounds and expertise to select the participants for the 2019 program. The program consisted of mentorship support and an exhibition at Studio-X Istanbul.
Oct 25, 2018—Dec 28, 2018

A series of workshops, panel discussions and talks were enacted under the title Digital Dynamics.
Digital Dynamics
The role of the Participant at Interactive Arts
Betül Aksu
Introduction to Technology: Mini “tech”s
Rabia Yorgancı Kındıroğlu
Digital Utopias + Game Technologies
Asst. Prof. Elif Sürer, Hakan Yılmaz
Artificial Intelligence + Ethics
Dr. Cansu Canca, Mehmet Ünal, Att. Setin Çetin
Bio Art + Biotechnologies
Arda Deniz Dokuzoğlu, Prof. Dr. Ata Akın, Elif Esen
Introduction to the Electronics: Arduino Workshop
Ziya Bahtiyar
Visual Media and Sound: Sound Design Workshop
Gökalp Kanatsız
Computer Vision with Deep Learning Workshop
Ahmet Alp Kındıroğlu
Creative Coding: Processing Workshop
Mehmet Berk Bostancı
Ozan Türkkan
New Media ArtistRead bioN. Gözde Durmuş, Ph.D
Stanford University
Genome Technology Center Read bioElif Sürer, Ph.D
Graduate School of Informatics’ Multimedia Informatics Program Read bioEkmel Ertan
Artist, Curator, ResearcherRead bioBige Örer
Director of Istanbul Biennale Read bioAgah Uğur
Borusan Holding
Board Member Read bio
Ece Nur Keskin
#chemicalengineeringSee profileEcem Dilan Köse & Esin Aykanat Avcı
#designer #bioart See profileMax Paulus
#cognitiveneuroscience #psychophysicsSee profileBetül Aksu
#multimediaSee profileNazlı Kök & Semih Ünaldı
#parametricdesign #visualizationSee profileMehmet Berk Bostancı
#architect #interactiondesignSee profileCansu Sönmez
#concretization #mappingSee profileEmrecan Ağtaş
#sounddesign #musicSee profileBerkay Buğdan & Engin Arer
#engineer #animationdesign #kinectSee profileİlke Yıldan & Varlık Yücel
#architect #vrexperience See profileNergiz Yeşil
#bioartSee profile